Upcoming Events & Classes

Helping Parents Heal: Mediumship Demonstration

Januar 5 | 12m PST | Free | Los Angeles

Join Britta in Los Angeles for an in-person mediumship demonstration with Helping Parents Heal. By invitation only, email info@brittagrubin.com to learn more

Animal Communication

Feb 7 & 8
2pm PST | 4pm CST | 5pm EST |

Have you ever wondered what your pet is thinking? Do you wish to reconnect with your deceased pet? Learn all about the animal kingdom in this 2-part series on psychic animal communication! Britta will share with you real life stories of pets, both living and deceased, that have shared info and love during her pet psychic readings. Join her on Zoom and learn how to connect to your pet.

Past Events & Classes

Soul Chats

Tues. Sept 3, 10, 17 & 24
6am PST | 9am EST | 2pm GMT |

Explore spirituality within a circle of like-minded people, led by Britta Grubin, and drawing from the collective wisdom and experiences of the group. The meetings are private, so there will be no recordings available. Access all 4 sessions with a single $25 payment!

Level 1 Beginner Mediumship Course

Nov 8, 9, 15, 16, 22 | $200
12pm PST | 3pm EST | 8pm GMT
90mins via Zoom

Ever been curious about the spirit world? Want to explore your connection to loved ones in spirit? This Beginner Mediumship class is the perfect safe space to begin your mediumship journey. Complete beginners are welcome!

Connecting with Loved Ones & Spirit Guides

Sept 11, 18 & 25 | $90
1pm PST | 3pm CDT | 4pm EST
90mins via Zoom

Learn how best to connect with your spirit guides and loved ones in spirit through easy to use methods and take part in meditations. Beginners welcome. Recordings available until the end of the course.

Level 2 Advanced Beginner Mediumship

Sundays on Aug 18, 25, Sept 1, 8, 15, 22
12pm PST | 3pm EST | 8pm GMT

Expand your understanding and practice of clairsentience with Spirit! ONLY open to students who have previously taken a mediumship class with Britta or another medium. Recordings will be available but be sure to attend live! Access all 6 classes with a single $200 payment.

Psychic Pathways Level 1

Aug 12, 19 & 26 | $90
1pm PST | 4pm EST | 9pm GMT
90mins via Zoom

Develop your psychic abilities in this 3-part workshop and practice with other like-minded souls in a safe environment. Beginners welcome. Recordings available till end of the course.

Manifestation Mastery

Aug 17, 18, 24 & 25 | $125
2pm PST | 4pm CDT | 5pm EST

In this 4-part series, you’ll learn about:

  • Quantum Manifesting
  • Aligning With Your Dreams
  • Pitfalls of Manifesting
  • Emotional Alignment

Recordings available until end of the course.

Psychic Pathways: Enhancing Your 6th Sense

Sundays on June 2, June 9 & June 16
1pm PST | 4pm EST | 9pm GMT

Join Spiritual Teacher Britta Grubin in this 3-part workshop on developing your psychic abilities. Practice with other like-minded souls in a safe environment on Zoom. Beginners welcome. Recordings not available. Access all 3 sessions with a single $90 payment.

Manifestation & Emotional Mastery

Thurs. May 2nd AND Fri. May 3rd
@ 4pm PST | 7pm EST | $75

NOW SOLD OUT! Join Modern Day Psychic Medium Britta Grubin in this two-part mini series on manifestation and emotional mastery. Q&A and meditation is included. These classes take place online via Zoom.

Healing Hearts

Navigating Grief After Infant Loss

Thurs. April 25th @ 1pm PST | 4pm EST | FREE

Join Modern Day Psychic Medium Britta Grubin in this healing, free webinar on pregnancy loss, and early infant loss. This FREE webinar takes place online via Zoom.

What exactly is Karma?

Thurs. April 11th @ 1pm PST | 4pm EST | FREE

Karma is a topic that fascinates many, but can be easily and often misunderstood. Join Modern Day Psychic Medium Britta Grubin in gaining a better understanding on Karma. 

This FREE webinar takes place online via Zoom.

Connecting With Your Spirit Guides

Wed. Feb 28th @ 2pm PST | 5pm EST
$45 | 2 hours | Meditation Included

Join Modern Day Psychic Medium Britta Grubin to learn about spirit guides and how to connect with yours. Meditation included. Webinar takes place online via Zoom.

Animal Communication: What is your pet thinking?

Wed. March 6th @ 2pm PST | 5pm EST
$45 | 2 hours | Practice Pet Readings Included

Modern Day Psychic Medium Britta Grubin shares how animal communication works both in the spirit world and Earth world, using her own training and case studies from past readings. Learn tips for connecting with your pet, and bring a photo of any pet you know well, living or deceased to practice with.

  • Feb 6, 2023 Theme: LOVE
  • March 6, 2023 Theme: INTUITION & PSYCHIC
  • Jan 24, 2023
  • Jan 17, 2023
  • March 23, 2023
  • Nov 9, 2023
  • Nov 21, 2023
  • April 17, 2024 
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